Saturday, December 26, 2009

The women who broke up my family, is sitting in the cafe a few tables over. Should I pour cream over her head?

sure but make it look like an accident when other people are looking but make sure she knows it was intentionalThe women who broke up my family, is sitting in the cafe a few tables over. Should I pour cream over her head?
yes if it was that she really really did break ur family apart...n not accidently then yes best believe i would go over there and do a WWWHhhoolllllEEEe lot more than pour cream on her.......once when i was pregnant about 7 months i almost got into a fight with this girl that kept calling my babies father at the house disrespecting me, n when i hung up she actually showed up in the house...LMAO straped up my tims... thru a hoodie ontop of myself n grabed this knife i usto carry some times n i went out the door ready go give the chick the biggest facial makeover she's had ever seen......unfortunally his brother knew the kinda girl i was n the moment he saw me coming out the door he practically almost picked me up n dragged me bac in the house n woudlnt let me out untill the girl left...The women who broke up my family, is sitting in the cafe a few tables over. Should I pour cream over her head?
And that would solve what exactly? How did someone else break up your family? If your family is broken, it's because someone in your family made a choice to cause it to break.

What goes around, comes around...if you want to try to get back at someone in such a silly, meaningless way (for nothing) then expect the cosmos to send you something in return.

Seriously, think about what you are asking. ';You were party to my family breaking up so I'm going to attack you with a dairy product';. Yeah, that's gonna really make her think next time. *rolls eyes*
NO! Okay, what will that do other than make you look like a fool? Will that really make you feel better? Oh look at me everyone this girl tore my family apart so i'm gonna pour cream on her i'm so mature. No...She'll just think bad of you, and maybe want to get back or something. She might be proud of herself. Look you need to just calm down, and not do anything. Be mature. It'll be fine, but if you do that you'll probably make a scene and be kicked out or soemthing. I wish the best for your family. Good luck!!

(Dont pour the cream!!)
No. You could be banned from the cafe. She was not alone in her deed. A man also broke up the family, in fact he was the one who made a committment to his wife. He is the one you should pour the cream on.
yes do it i would, if I saw the whore that cheated with my dad i would do the same, but don't do it if you don't want to, I'm just saying what i would do
NO! Go over to her and be really, really nice. She won't know what to think and it will slowly drive her insane.

If you pour cream over her head, she will just know she is driving you nuts.
No. She didn't do it alone. Someone else who broke a promise was a willing participant and was more responsible for the breakup than she was.

Best Wishes

Omg yeah do it! Throw the sugar over her too and a cake if you have one handy. Heck throw anything that is at hand at her, she totally deserves it!

Happy holidays x

she deserves it.

Mud wrestle. It's much more entertaining.
You're blaming the woman and not your husband? Strange. Then again, stop means go in this world, so carry on.
absolutely yes!
YES (if no one is looking)

No(if there is a police officer)
go for it sister! remember, you still have your children.
Of course

nahh hot coffee sounds better lol
please do.
do it it will make you feel good
yea, it would let off all that steam and turmoil your feeling right now :)
get her!
totally shes a b/witch....she broke up ur family....what r u going to do about it

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