Monday, December 21, 2009

Can kittens drink table cream or does it give them worms?

they make kitten/cat milk.i would not give them table milk/cream.they will get sick.petsmart carrys milk for cats/kittens.Can kittens drink table cream or does it give them worms?
Cats can not get worms from cream or milk from the store but they can not digest lactose that's in it. They will get diarhhea from it. If you want to give your cat milk buy milk for lactose intolerant ppl. I've given that to my cats many times with no probs. Report Abuse
Can kittens drink table cream or does it give them worms?
yeah I know cats dont get worms from milk.. but I know the litter box was messier when my Tom had milk.... the lactose thing would make sense, must be something different in mama cat milk compared to cows milk? Report Abuse

Julie - Mama milk is indeed different. The lactose level and phosporus to calcium ratio are too high in cows milk. And the energy, protein, and fat levels are too low to sustain a kitten. Report Abuse

I was told never to give them human milk, cream, etc. Feed the kittens KMR-Kitten Milk Replacement. It is the best for them.
It could give them diarrhea.Once kittens are weaned they don't need anymore milk. There is replacement Momcat milk sold in petstores. There is also milk designed to be drunk buy adult cats. Straight cows cream, is unnecessary. I wouldn't do it.
Cream can't give your cats worms, but some cats are lactose intolerant and it may give them diarrhea. My cat likes condensed milk, and she doesn't have trouble digesting it. If your cat tolerates the cream, then there shouldn't be any harm in giving it to him/her. Too much might be fattening, if your cat tends to be chubby.
I was told to never give a cat cream or's not good for their intestines
It will not give them worms but the enzymes may give them loose stools.
I've had a lot of cats, they all drank cream (on occasion as a treat) and none of them got sick. Got to watch the fat in an animal's diet like you would in your own.
it's not going to give them worms but it might give them diarrhea.
My mom use to give our cats cream at home and never had a problem but she use to mix it with a lil bit of water.
Cats in general are lactose inntolerent. I do give my cats a little bit of milk but it is Lactaid. It's milk that has had the lactose removed from it and my cats have no problem digesting it. I don't know if Lactaid sells cream- but they do sell ice cream. My cats (all three) will have that for an occasional treat- just make sure its vanilla- no chocolate.
As long as the cream is pasturized, they won't get worms
I wouldn't give them table cream or milk the enzymes in the milk or cream gives them loose stools.
Cats do have trouble digesting milk %26amp; cream, even though many cats love it. Best to serve them water.
dont know about giving them worms but things in the foods of today leave a bit to be desired, is anything natural any more
Cat will not catch worms from milk.

They will however get diarrhoea. Giving cats milk is an old wives tale - it shouldn't really be done.

Kitties like cat milk just as much, and it is safe for them!

This is coming from someone who brought their cat up on milk (I didn't know any better) - but I understand that just because she happened to be OK (actually her poo was quite soft) doesn't make it OK for cats in general.

Why would it give them worms? Is that some kind of urban myth? The cream would have had to come in contact with worm eggs somehow. That is not likely with all of the precautions dairys have. The milk isn't even exposed to air there. If it gives them worms it will give you worms too.

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