Thursday, December 17, 2009

Is skin Whitening Cream suitable for an asian guy?

Will it help make a asian guy skin look lighter and bright?Is skin Whitening Cream suitable for an asian guy?
Definately. I think whitening creams are often designed for asian, thai etc who want to be paler rather than caucasians. It takes awhile for it to get whiter but it gets brighter quicker.Is skin Whitening Cream suitable for an asian guy?
Yes it will make you look lighter but why on earth would you wanna do that there is alot of ladies out here that are attracted to darker men alot more than white so if you wanna do it go ahead but be careful!

good luck!!
I'm an asian girl.

And i love asian guys with white skin, especially Koreans~.


Whiteing Cream is fine to use, as long as its for men. its suitable for asians.
Don't be gay. And don't be like Michael Jackson. If you want to be light, stay indoors. if you are naturally dark, then who cares. Embrace it.
Skin bleaching cream is a vailable for everyone.
Yeh of course its suitable

It should make it lighter
yes, of course.. but remember, results will vary per individual, regardless if male or female.
no ;]

why would you go pale, drink lots of water and exercise

it'll give you a glow

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